Thursday, November 14, 2013

New Beginning, weightloss tracker

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


My blog is called Mind Body Skin and Soul. So i should be talking about more than weight loss. I'm Going to review some products for the body. For example lotions, stretch mark remedies, diets, bra's, facial masks, acne cleansers and washes, firming lotion, foot lotion and all that good stuff. If anyone else has anything else they like to be reviewed just message me on youtube or comment on this post. Or message me on my facebook. or follow me on twitter!!

Facebook---->!/profile.php?id=701890710 Youtube Channel---->

I'M BACK!!! =D

hey everyone I been gone for so long! But now I'm back. I'm starting my weight loss over again. I'm currently 180.2 lbs and sometimes I'm at 179.9 lbs :(  I been working hard, a couple weeks ago i went on a long power walk it took me over 2 hours, usually i take the bus to the destination i was going but that day i decided to walk. the bus take approximately 45 minutes to an hour and it took me about 2 hours to walk it. my feel killed that day. and i ate healthy i haven't "pigged out" nothing but for some reason i see no results. the number on the scale even went up :'( i been so upset and i didn't know what to do. but then my cousin told me about LENT. for those of you who don't know its when you give something up for 40 days. its part of the catholic religion. I'm Christian but i still decided to try it. So i gave up meat for 40 days. all of a sudden i get a call. (Its McDonalds) I had handed in a resume and application like a month ago, but now their calling to give me a job. I'm really excited cause this gives me a chance to save up for university since No one in my family decided to put some money away for me. but then i relies... i get a discount card for McDonalds so everything will be very cheap...but wait.. if i can get a burger for $1.39 at regular price than its gunna probably cost almost nothing for the burger with the discount card. but I'm going in prepared with a homemade salad and veggies.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Lately i been procrastinating about weightloss. i keep saying tomoro ill start a new diet..but tomorrow never comes. now i have gained a total of 13 pounds i believe.. i got down to 167.8 lbs and this moring i weighed myself and i was 180.8 lbs :( that is it! I have had it im getting back on track i never thought i would see 180 back on the scale. I have now tell augest 31. todays date is july 25 2010. i would like to be somewhere in the 140's by the end of augest or by september 8th when highschool starts again. i will make a youtube video once i get back around 172 lbs. btw i did win tearsnomore8 bikini challenge on youtube..ill tell you all more about that in my next post even though im soo late.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tahitian Workout

The Tahitian workout is kinda like the hula workout except i think the tahitian workout works your body more. I do this workout in my spear time, it really works my stomach because while doing the dance you have to keep your stomach sucked in. It also gives you a cardio and a muscle strengthening workout. I favourited the whole workout from the dvd on youtube, because i didnt want to spend money on buying the dvd. My youtube channel is -------> , If you dont feel the burn in this workout then your not doing it right! lol.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Fruit smoothie


I dont want any kind of berrys or kiwi in my smoothie.

cheerys are aloud and anything else.

if anyone has any recipes please comment on this post and tell me!!

Raw food diet

I tried the raw food diet and i loved it. I loved it because i started eatting healthy for a change. I still ate meat on weekends but not alot. I advise people to try this diet because it helps you lose weight easyily!! well it helped me. Right now im on a low calorie diet. I think im going to go back on the raw food diet because i lost more weight on it then i am with the low calorie diet. On the raw food diet you guys can still eat like some bread and pasta and stuff. Just everything but meat. I kind of made this diet up, and it worked so well for me. you guys should try it. test it out for like 2 days and see how it goes. But make sure you still count your calories if you at pasta or bread and stuff. if u eat pasta just mesure half a cup dry of whole wheat.